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Pride is a spirit. A bold spirit. One that makes us feel as if we are above everyone and everything else. We hear no advice – no voice but that of our own. We look down, not to extend help or support, but to criticize. Simply put, pride somehow makes us forget where we came...

Let it Go

Let it Go

ENCOURAGEMENTJanuary 23, 2020

At times in my life, I placed such a high value on being right that I failed to realize God was not in my rightness. God already knew. He saw it, and He heard it all. My thoughts were not new to Him. Thank God for self-evaluation and growth! Listen. The situation you were upset...

Get up and Live

My husband preached a sermon, and I will never forget his words, “Just because you were left for dead, don’t mean you have to die, get up and live.” These words are indeed powerful. How many times have you been left by a friend, spouse, fiancé..etc? The pain of it all is hurtful, and it...